It's the thought that counts, absolutely
The year has been rather geological for me, present-receiving wise.
Having received sand for Christmas, I am now told to expect a rock for my birthday. Not the pretty kind, the desert kind.
People! Stop with the creativity already! Diamonds and rubys will do just fine.
P.S. By the way, I love the sand. They sit on the most obvious spot of my desk. If it comes across to you that I am mocking my sand, you are so mistaken. I am mocking the rock.
I love your sarcasm ^^ So who gave you the sand?
ok, you won't b given a rock from me for ur bday this yr....instead u will b given a bottle of sea's that? how about the water in sydney harbour? =P I get to collect water and rock.
I feel like Captain Planet.
Read carefully people! D-i-a-m-o-n-d-s! R-u-b-y-s! I guess the occasional opals and sapphires will be ok, even though I'd really prefer red :P
a rock - under the right set of geological circumstances - can actually turn into a diamond, provided it's the right kind of rock. Otherwise, a rock represents a rather more dangerous lame present than sand - in the sense that you can throw a rock at someone.(for example, the person who gave it to you) I have decided in keeping with the theme, to give you air. Have to decide whether to bottle it or simply just stand on the shore here and blow in the general direction of taiwan.:)
Bottle it.
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